Characterizing a Tune-all bandstop filter
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In this paper a reconfigurable bandstop filter
able to reconfigure central frequency, bandwidth and
selectivity for fine tuning applications is presented. The
reconfigurable filter topology has four poles and a quasielliptic
bandstop filter response. The filter is tuned by
varactor diodes placed at different locations on the filter
topology. The varactors are voltage controlled in pairs due to
filter symmetry for central frequency and bandwidth control.
An additional varactor is placed on a crossing line to move a
pair of transmission zeros, closer or farther to the filter
central frequency, which tunes filter selectivity. The filter has
a tuneable fractional bandwidth range from 11.51 to 15.46%,
a tuneable central frequency range from 1.346 to 1.420 GHz
and a selectivity tuning range from 0.37 to 0.40 dB/MHz