Comissioning of the decelerator test beam line in CTF3
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The CLIC Test Facility (CTF3) at CERN was
constructed by the CTF3 collaboration to study the
feasibility of the concepts for a compact linear collider.
The test beam line (TBL) recently added to the CTF3
machine was designed to study the CLIC decelerator
beam dynamics and 12 GHz power production. The beam
line consists of a FODO lattice with high precision BPM’s
and quadrupoles on movers for precise beam alignment. A
total of 16 Power Extraction and Transfer Structures
(PETS) will be installed in between the quadrupoles to
extract 12 GHz power from the drive beam provided by
the CTF3 machine. The CTF3 drive beam with a bunchtrain
length of 140 ns, 12 GHz bunch repetition frequency
and an average current over the train of up to 28 A will be
injected into the test beam line. Each PETS structure will
produce 135 MW of 12 GHz power at nominal current.
The beam will have lost more than 50 % of its initial
energy of 150 MeV at the end of the beam line and will
contain particles with energies between 65 MeV and 150
MeV. The beam line is completely installed and the PETS
structures will be successively added until the end of
2011. The paper will describe the first results obtained
during commissioning of the beam line and the first PETS