Accuracy of an HRP-2/panLDH rapid diagnostic test to detect
peripheral and placental Plasmodium falciparum infection in
Papua New Guinean women with anaemia or suspected malaria
BACKGROUND: The diagnosis of malaria during pregnancy is
complicated by placental sequestration, asymptomatic infection,
and low-density peripheral parasitaemia. Where intermittent
preventive treatment (IPT) with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine is
threatened by drug resistance, or is inappropriate due to low
transmission, intermittent screening and treatment (ISTp) with
rapid diagnostic tests for malaria (RDT) could be a valuable
alternative. Therefore, the accuracy of RDTs to detect
peripheral and placental infection was assessed in a declining
transmission setting in Papua New Guinea (PNG). METHODS: The
performance of a combination RDT detecting histidine-rich
protein-2 (HRP-2) and Plasmodium lactate dehydrogenase (pLDH),
and light microscopy (LM), to diagnose peripheral Plasmodium
falciparum and Plasmodium vivax infections during pregnancy,
were assessed using quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) as the
reference standard. Participants in a malaria prevention trial
in PNG with a haemoglobin </=90 g/L, or symptoms suggestive
of malaria, were tested. Ability of RDT and LM to detect active
placental infection on histology was evaluated in some
participants. RESULTS: Among 876 women, 1162 RDTs were
undertaken (anaemia: 854 [73.5 %], suspected malaria: 308 [26.5
%]). qPCR detected peripheral infection during 190 RDT episodes
(165 P. falciparum, 19 P. vivax, 6 mixed infections). Overall,
RDT detected peripheral P. falciparum infection with 45.6 %
sensitivity (95 % CI 38.0-53.4), a specificity of 96.4 %
(95.0-97.4), a positive predictive value of 68.4 % (59.1-76.8),
and a negative predictive value of 91.1 % (89.2-92.8). RDT
performance to detect P. falciparum was inferior to LM, more so
amongst anaemic women (18.6 vs 45.3 % sensitivity, Liddell's
exact test, P < 0.001) compared to symptomatic women (72.9 vs
82.4 % sensitivity, P = 0.077). RDT and LM missed 88.0 % (22/25)
and 76.0 % (19/25) of P. vivax infections, respectively. In a
subset of women tested at delivery and who had placental
histology (n = 158) active placental infection was present in
19.6 %: all three peripheral blood infection detection methods
(RDT, LM, qPCR) missed >50 % of these infections.
CONCLUSIONS: In PNG, HRP-2/pLDH RDTs may be useful to diagnose
peripheral P. falciparum infections in symptomatic pregnant
women. However, they are not sufficiently sensitive for use in
intermittent screening amongst asymptomatic (anaemic) women.
These findings have implications for the management of malaria
in pregnancy. The adverse impact of infections undetected by RDT
or LM on pregnancy outcomes needs further evaluation