Ultrasonic processing of aluminium alloys above the liquidus: the role of Zr


© The Authors, 2020. Ultrasonic melt processing (USP) is gaining quite an interest in recent years due to the benefits of this technology to the melt quality and structure refinement. A number of mechanisms have been identified that govern the effects of USP at different stages of melt processing. Technologically it is advantageous to apply USP to the fluid melt rather than to a mushy solidifying alloy. In this case heterogeneous nucleation on available or activated/multiplied substrates is the main mechanism. Among these substrates, primary crystals of Al3Zr phase were shown to be potent and effective. This paper gives a review of the own research into the role of Al3Zr in structure refinement in various groups of Al alloys, from solid-solution type to hypereutectic. This overview includes the evidence of a possible eutectic reaction between Al and Al3Zr in Al-rich alloys, mechanisms of Al3Zr formation and refinement under USP (that enables these primary crystals to be active substrates for Al and some other primary phases), the role of USP in facilitating primary solidification of Al3Zr in the Al-Zr system, and the additional benefits of solute Ti presence. The paper is illustrated with the data obtained over the last 15 years of research led by the author.M2i (The Netherlands) for projects MC4.05215 and M11.5.11419 and EPSRC (The United Kingdom) for projects Ultra-Cast (Grant EP/L019884/1) and UltraMelt2 (Grant EP/R011095/1

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