Mastering the scales: A survey on the benefits of multiscale computing software


Electronic supplementary material is available online at figshare.c.4352660.© 2019 The Authors. In the last few decades, multiscale modeling has emerged as one of the dominant modeling paradigms in many areas of science and engineering. Its rise to dominance is primarily driven by advancements in computing power and the need to model systems of increasing complexity. The multiscale modeling paradigm is now accompanied by a vibrant ecosystem of multiscale computing software (MCS) which promise to address many challenges in the development of multiscale applications. In this paper, we define the common steps in the multiscale application development process and investigate to what degree a set of 22 representative MCS tools enhance each development step. We observe several gaps in the features provided by MCS tools, specially for application deployment and the preparation and management of production runs. In addition, we find that many MCS tools are tailored to a particular multiscale computing pattern, even though they are otherwise application agnostic. We conclude that the gaps we identify are characteristic of a field that is still maturing and features that enhance the deployment and production steps of multiscale application development are desirable for the long term success of MCS in its application fields.The European Union’s Horizon 2020 research, innovation programme under grant agreement and the project “Task-based load balancing and auto-tuning in particle simulations”European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement nos. 800925 and 671564; ‘Task-based load balancing and auto-tuning in particle simulations’ project (TaLPas), grant no. 01IH16008B

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