The Spanish savings banks attracted quite a considerable amount of interest within the
scientific arena, especially subsequent to the disappearance of the regulatory
constraints during the second decade of the 1980s. Nonetheless, a lack of research
identified with respect to mainstream paths given by strategic groups, and the analysis
of the total factor productivity. Therefore, on the basis of the resource-based view of
the firm and cluster analysis, we make use of changes in structure and performance
ratios in order to identify the strategic groups extant in the sector. We attain a threeways
division, which we link with different input-output specifications defining
strategic paths. Consequently, on the basis of these three dissimilar approaches we
compute and decompose a Hicks-Moorsteen total factor productivity index. Obtained
results put forward an interesting interpretation under a multi-strategic approach,
together with the setbacks of employing cluster analysis within a complex strategic
environment. Moreover, we also propose an ex-post method of analysing the
outcomes of the decomposed total factor productivity index that could be merged with
non-traditional techniques of forming strategic groups, such as cognitive approaches