Potential for Energy Production from Farm Wastes Using Anaerobic Digestion in the UK: An Economic Comparison of Different Size Plants


© 2017 by the authors. Anaerobic digestion (AD) plants enable renewable fuel, heat, and electricity production, with their efficiency and capital cost strongly dependent on their installed capacity. In this work, the technical and economic feasibility of different scale AD combined heat and power (CHP) plants was analyzed. Process configurations involving the use of waste produced in different farms as feedstock for a centralized AD plant were assessed too. The results show that the levelized cost of electricity are lower for large-scale plants due to the use of more efficient conversion devices and their lower capital cost per unit of electricity produced. The levelized cost of electricity was estimated to be 4.3 p/kWhe for AD plants processing the waste of 125 dairy cow sized herds compared to 1.9 p/kWhe for AD plants processing waste of 1000 dairy cow sized herds. The techno-economic feasibility of the installation of CO2 capture units in centralized AD-CHP plants was also undertaken. The conducted research demonstrated that negative CO2 emission AD power generation plants could be economically viable with currently paid feed-in tariffs in the UK.The authors would like to acknowledge the funding received from the Research Councils UK (RCUK) and particularly the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under Grant Number: EP/K011820/1 (Centre for Sustainable Energy Use in Food Chains-CSEF) and EP/M007359/1 (Recovery and re-use of energy, water and nutrients from waste in the food chain-Redivivus)

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