
A systematic overview of reviews of the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of interventions to promote healthy lifestyle behaviours in people living with or beyond cancer


An overview of systematic reviews synthesised evidence on the relationship between smoking, physical activity, dietary behaviours and alcohol consumption and important outcomes for people living with and beyond cancer. That review demonstrated that some lifestyle behaviours may be associated with important outcomes in people living with and beyond cancer (PLWBC). However it did not inform us of whether specifically delivering interventions aimed at modifying lifestyle behaviours effectively improve outcomes for PLWBC. How to promote and sustain healthy lifestyle behaviours in cancer populations is not well understood. A single, overarching summary of evidence from published systematic reviews of lifestyle interventions which compares and contrasts findings can provide policy and practice professionals with the evidence needed for more effective decision making. This overview of systematic reviews provides a synthesis of evidence on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of interventions aimed at altering lifestyle behaviours for improving outcomes for people living with and beyond cancer

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