Design against distortion for aerospace-grade additively manufactured parts - PADICTON


Collections: Brunel Composite CentreAdditive manufacturing (AM) is a computer-controlled 3D printing process with increasing demand in the aerospace sector. This manufacturing process offers the production of lighter components, design flexibility, reduced labour effort and material cost, as well as decreased waste generation compared with subtractive manufacturing. Additionally, AM can provide parts availability at the point of use, significantly improving the supply chain. However, producing advanced high-temperature AM thermoplastic components remains a challenging task as these require a high-temperature build chamber environment that is prone to producing parts with thermal stresses and warpage. PADICTON project aims to develop a tool capable of accurately and rapidly predicting and correcting such distortions, offering improved quality of the produced parts and minimising rejection rates. Creating this tool requires conducting a comprehensive mechanical and thermal characterisation campaign to optimise the print parameters and part geometry. In this study, the concept of the project and the findings of the initial mechanical and optical characterisation tests for two AM processes, namely fused deposition modelling and selective laser sintering, are presented and discussed.The authors would like to acknowledge the PADICTON partners, namely FDM Digital Solutions, e Xstream Engineering, part of Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence, AMendate, as well as the Topic Manager of the project, Airbus, for their assistance and encouragement towards the realisation of the activities. In addition, the consortium would like to express its gratitude to EOS for their technical support. Furthermore, the activities of PADICTON project have received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 86481

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