Exploring the psychosocial experiences of adolescents with sequential cochlear implants


Section A is a review of the literature on the psychological and social implications of cochlear implants (CIs) in deaf children and adolescents. The literature is critically evaluated in relation to health-related quality of life, quality of life, psychological and emotional well-being, social well-being and identity. Relevant theories are outlined and discussed. Methodological limitations and gaps in the literature are discussed, and the review concludes with recommendations for further research. Section B describes a study using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis to explore adolescent experiences of receiving and living with sequential cochlear implants (SCIs). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eleven adolescents. The master and sub-themes are presented and the results are discussed with consideration of previous research findings and theoretical, clinical and research implications. Most participants enjoyed improved confidence and social well-being following their SCI, and felt that two CIs were superior to one. The majority identified themselves as hearing and deaf, but not culturally Deaf, as they strived to live in the hearing world. However, this was not without challenges and many young people experienced feelings of difference in the hearing world. These findings have clinical implications in terms of the role of clinical psychologists in CI clinics, and in providing information to families making decisions about CIs. These findings add to the emergent deaf identity development literature in young people with CIs

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