An action research approach to developing psychological support to increase wellbeing in student scholarship athletes


Research suggests athletes have an equivalent, possibly higher, likelihood of developing mental ill-health to the general population, however they underutilize the services provided. An action research methodology was employed (over three phases), with the overall aim to improve the provision of psychological support for scholarship athletes. Phase1 explored experiences of mental health, from the views of seven scholarship athletes and two scholarship mentors. Phase 2 used a focus group to discuss and elaborate on the themes from phase one and phase 3, developed a list of recommendations for services. Thematic analysis was used to analyse information from the individual interviews, the findings of which emphasized the impact of transitions and demands on the athlete’s mental health. Mental health within this group continued to be entwined with stigma, denial and misjudgements and a lack of established conceptualisation. Clinical implications were explored and suggestions for future research were presented

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