POSTED - general questionnaire


This questionnaire is concerned with carers experiences of daytime postural care. This questionnaire may be completed by anyone with experience of providing postural care to a child with a physical disability in a school and/or home environment. This includes parents, teachers and teaching assistants. It is likely that information, training and support needs vary considerably from one person to the next – due to the needs of the child, the type of equipment used, or the environment in which postural care is provided. This questionnaire was developed to enable parents, teachers, and teaching assistants to highlight specific aspects of postural care that they find challenging in order that information, training and support may be appropriately targeted. The questionnaire was originally designed for use in research commissioned by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) under its Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) Programme (grant reference number PB‐PG‐ 0110‐21045). When using/referring to this questionnaire please acknowledge authorship as appropriate. Details of the development of the questionnaire can be found in the following publication. Hotham, S., Hutton, E. & Hamilton‐West, K. E. (2015) Development of a reliable, valid measure to assess parents' and teachers' understanding of postural care for children with physical disabilities: the (UKC‐PostCarD) questionnaire. Child: Care, Health and Development, 41, 1172– 1178

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