Health promotion in emergency care: rationale, strategies and activities.


The concept of health promotion emerged in the 1970s, prompting global health leaders to adopt a perspective on maintaining and improving the population's health that accounts for the underlying causes of ill-health and mortality. Health is affected by social, economic and environmental factors, which explains why there are health inequalities within and between countries. Health services have been partly reoriented to focus on promoting health as well as treating ill-health, but health promotion is still misunderstood, including in the nursing profession. Health promotion is often viewed as being concerned with addressing patients' lifestyle behaviours, but this is only one aspect of a much broader framework of health promotion strategies. This article introduces the concept of health promotion, explains its relevance to nurses working in the emergency department (ED), and identifies activities ED nurses can undertake to promote the health of patients, staff and the wider community. It also explains how ED nurses can play a role in health activism to better understand the social determinants of health and address health inequalities. [Abstract copyright: © 2021 RCN Publishing Company Ltd. All rights reserved. Not to be copied, transmitted or recorded in any way, in whole or part, without prior permission of the publishers.

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