Parking to achieve conscious competence: A reflection about practice development in the context of people with learning disabilities using hospital services


In qualifying as a learning disability nurse during the Project 2000 era, I was influenced by the Health of the Nation for people with learning disabilities (Department of Health, 1995). This document inspired my curiosity as to how to ensure individuals with learning disabilities received similar care to those of the general population. Combining this with experiences of services which practised within more rigid boundaries, prompted me to develop my skills in advocating for people with learning disabilities, enabling individuals to have their say, and more recently to work in partnership co-producing and facilitating training. This reflection draws upon several influential processes; the trust’s specialist nurse review; attending the International Practice Development School; the service reorganisation; along with exploring the role with other specialist nurses, leading me to consider areas for development both for myself and the organisation. These influences have led me to focus on clinical leadership; developing a framework for clinical staff to provide care that is person centred and adapted to their needs and that of their family; and the possibility of developing a system of clinical links

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