Impact of Social Media on Dubai Stock Market using Sentiment Analysis


One of the main objectives of having securities stock markets is to ensure fair trading. Our analysis of this study will show how sentiment analysis and text mining techniques can help stock markets to sense wipes in the market participants\u27 behaviors and how the market community can benefit from it. The ability to detect potential insiders and investors\u27 mood would help the stock market to take necessary actions to protect the trading environment and enhance investors’ trust in the market. In this project, we will be building a pilot proof of concept utilizing sentiment analysis on Twitter, one of the most popular social media applications, and Dubai Financial Market, one of the most active stock markets in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), in the English language. The project can grow in sophistication and coverage in the future. In this project, I am using R as a primary development tool where a statistical and visual analysis will be carried out utilizing its rich open community libraries

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