Ever since digital and social media activities made their way into our day-to-day lives, things have become very different. People are continuously glued to their mobile devices, including children. Besides the tv screen time, mobile media time for 0-to-8 year-olds has tripled between 2013 and 2017, from an average of 15 minutes per day to 48 minutes per day1. As digital exposure is increasing at earlier ages, the danger of social information sharing increases as well.
Children do not often realize that they are giving out a vast quantity of their personal information, and even their parents\u27 to the internet while being online. They are a particular vulnerable population when speaking of digital marketing and advertising - they could be easily manipulated and persuaded towards sharing their personal information and using the services or products.
This thesis project intends to raise awareness about the impact of online safety among children and their parents, and also seeks to explore the possible communicational ways of helping parents helping their kids better protect their online user data in the meantime. The goal is to find an easy tool to serve as an easy-to-learn life lesson for both the kids and their parents, with parents leading the way. And the project should communicate the idea of safety does not happen by accident and people should help their loved ones better manage and protect their online data