Análisis del modelo desregulador de prensa en España frente al modelo liberal británico y al intervencionista euromediterráneo [The deregulator Spanish model of press face to the liberal British model and the interventionist Euromediterranean model].


The aim of this article is to analyse the State’s role in the evolution and development of the Spanish system of press face to the British model and the Euro-Mediterranean model of press. Whereas the Euro-Mediterranean model has a similar starting point: the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen of August 26, 1789, the British model is characterised by the inhibition of public powers, developed in concordance with the North American tradition begun with the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (December 15, 1791). For this reason, it is necessary to recognize the legislative measures that every country has followed to understand why the current situation needs to diagnose and prescribe global and local solutions

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