El mercado de la información científica: el caso de las universidades británicas (2010-2014)


An analysis of the dynamics of the market of scientific information of the period 2010-2014 is shown through the data provided by the study carried out by The London School of Economics and Politics Science on the payment of subscriptions that the universities of the United Kingdom realize to the publishers, and thus determine which are those involved in the processes of negotiation of acquisition of scientific information resources. Through the application of microeconomic criteria and descriptive statistics, it is determined that Elsevier is the dominant publisher in this market, and that the publisher that has grown the most in revenue, with 33.27% in the analyzed period, is SAGE. Using information from the Scimago Journal Ranking (SJR), an annual comparison of three variables is carried out: a) cost per scientific article, this being in 2014, 328,27 USD; B) investment per student in scientific resources, and c) investment by teacher-researcher

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