Antipodal Robotic Grasping using Deep Learning


In this work, we discuss two implementations that predict antipodal grasps for novel objects: A deep Q-learning approach and a Generative Residual Convolutional Neural Network approach. We present a deep reinforcement learning based method to solve the problem of robotic grasping using visio-motor feedback. The use of a deep learning based approach reduces the complexity caused by the use of hand-designed features. Our method uses an off-policy reinforcement learning framework to learn the grasping policy. We use the double deep Q-learning framework along with a novel Grasp-Q-Network to output grasp probabilities used to learn grasps that maximize the pick success. We propose a visual servoing mechanism that uses a multi-view camera setup that observes the scene which contains the objects of interest. We performed experiments using a Baxter Gazebo simulated environment as well as on the actual robot. The results show that our proposed method outperforms the baseline Q-learning framework and increases grasping accuracy by adapting a multi-view model in comparison to a single-view model. The second method tackles the problem of generating antipodal robotic grasps for unknown objects from an n-channel image of the scene. We propose a novel Generative Residual Convolutional Neural Network (GR-ConvNet) model that can generate robust antipodal grasps from n-channel input at real-time speeds (20ms). We evaluate the proposed model architecture on standard dataset and previously unseen household objects. We achieved state-of-the-art accuracy of 97.7% on Cornell grasp dataset. We also demonstrate a 93.5% grasp success rate on previously unseen real-world objects

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