re:act A Three-Way Communication Interactive Design System for School-Family Partnerships


Using interaction design to create conversation to help create a personalized learning environment in and out of elementary classrooms for achieving students’ academic and mental success from a three-way communication between teachers, students, and parents Many elementary school teachers encounter problems interacting with each student individually. Also, many parents are losing chances to track their child’s development and achievement closely in both physical and mental perspectives because of their busy schedules. There are several web and mobile applications to assist with these issues, but most of those are too focused on grading students’ positive and negative behavior and two-way communication between teachers and parents. The goal of this thesis is to provide a new interactive design system that focuses on three-way communication in real-time to promote interaction between groups of students, teachers, and parents, in-and-out the classrooms. This thesis investigated communication problems related to elementary education, such as lack of personalization and feedback for healthy child development. These issues were studied with elementary school communities through interviews and observations. The proposed solution supports personalized learning experiences and individual feedback for students to build their self-esteem and self-achievement for the foundation of success, both academically and mentally. The purpose of the design system was reinforcing the parent-school partnership to promote conversations with each other in and out of the classroom for positive child development

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