

Crystalline is a fast action arena shooter with a focus on gunplay. The core objective of this project was to create a fun multiplayer First Person Shooter. To achieve this goal as a team we had to best leverage the tools and technology available to us. As First Person Shooter games typically have teams far larger than our own, we had to work hard and smart on Crystalline. Unreal Engine 4 was used in lieu of Unity or an in-house engine, saving hours of development time and allowing us to focus on gameplay and assets more. Thanks to Unreal Engine 4, we were able to produce a game that, based on playtesting, appears to meet our core objective. Due to the limited time available for the project, there are still far more designed features to be implemented. However, the core gameplay has been completed leaving opportunity for expansion and future work. This document is divided into nine chapters and an appendix. Chapter 1 will introduce readers to the core concepts of Crystalline. Market analysis and background research are covered in Chapters 2 and 3 respectively. The prototypes and general process that took Crystalline from concept to game are outlined in Chapter 4. Chapters 5 and 6 outline the core design of the final iteration of Crystalline, technical or otherwise. Chapter 7 describes overall visual designs of the game, both 2D and 3D. Playtesting data is reported and assessed in Chapter 8, and a post mortem is detailed in Chapter 9. This document concludes with an appendix containing an asset bible

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