Surface Treatments to Reduce Leakage Current in Homojunction In0:53Ga0:47As PIN Diodes for TFET Applications


In the field of low power electronics, Tunnel field-effect transistors (TFETs) are gaining momentum due to aggressive voltage scaling. To enable scaling of power supply while maintaining a high Ion, a steep subthreshold slope and low I0 are required. A TFET operates as a gated PIN diode under reverse bias with the intrinsic region as the channel. This study focuses on minimizing I0 in a III-V homojunction PIN diode. I0 or leakage current is the current owing in a PIN diode under reverse bias, that forms the o-state current (Vgate = 0 V) in a TFET. Various surface treatment combinations were performed to study surface leakage, of which, BCB and HCl were the most eective passivation and clean, respectively. For the first time, in this study, electrical characterization of sub-micron PIN diodes was performed

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