The use of computer-based interventions in cognitive behavioral therapy: policy implications for violence and delinquency prevention in community corrections


Abstract: This thesis tests the applicability of computer-based cognitive behavioral therapy for building skills that prevent deviancy and delinquency among youth. This is accomplished by first understanding cognitive behavioral therapy through an extensive literature review and then through data analysis of the SMART program which emphasizes anger management and conflict resolution skills using a pre- and post-test questionnaire. This thesis uses the SMART program as a self-administered cognitive behavioral intervention with youth between the ages of 12 and 17 who are on juvenile probation with a juvenile delinquent status. This is an innovative way of using the SMART program from previous studies. Results of this effort reveal that participants exhibited modest improvements from pre-test to post-test, although results were statistically insignificant. However, this thesis finds that there are important applications for computer-based methods of cognitive behavioral therapy in juvenile delinquency prevention which are currently underutilized as exemplified in Monroe County, New York. It is suggested that the local community corrections consider implementing cognitive behavioral programs using an action research model which emphasizes youth, family and community collaboration

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