The Effect of camera motion on MTF and SQF for handheld camera at two weights


Two hundred seven measurements of camera motion, made while operators took photographs, were used to calculate the average Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) and Subjective Quality Factor (SQF) due to the motion. Eight experiments were performed with a 35mm camera at weights of 300 and 600 grams. The camera displacement path was sampled at intervals ranging from 0.5 milliseconds to 15.6 milliseconds. The MTF and SQF were calculated, at several shutter times, from the measured displacement paths using the model of a perfectly efficient shutter. SQF was a linear function of shutter time. The MTF due to camera motion and shutter was also calculated for two inefficient shutters. The perfectly efficient shutter has higher MTF than either inefficient shutter modeled. For both efficient and inefficient shutters, performance was better with the heavier, 600 gram, camera

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