Understanding cyclic behavior in tourism destinations: Analysis of theories and concept for a new strategic management model


The purpose of this study was to gather and analyze information on lifecycle theories that may provide tourist destinations with a better understanding on how to have more control over their long-term sustainability. An extensive literature review was conducted that resulted in identifying and analyzing four applicable models and theories. As a result of this analysis, the researcher concluded that these four theories and models do not independently nor collectively offer a single, comprehensive working model for destinations to use in evaluating and monitoring their strategy for long term success. To help bridge this gap and point the way toward a comprehensive operational and analytical tool, the researcher has proposed a new interactive model FOSTRAK It is suggested that FOSTRAK may offer tourist destinations a system for planned global positioning through constant awareness and evaluation of six critical survival factors. With an understanding of these six major interrelated survival components, destinations may be better prepared to implement strategic corrective-action needed to maintain a competitive edge and predictive course

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