Geneplanner: A Prototype of an expert system to assist with chemical DNA gene synthesis planning


Expert systems are a popular area of artificial intelligence. The development of an expert system involves the selection of an appropriate problem, acquisition of knowledge from the expert, selection of control mechanisms and knowledge repre sentations, selection of tools, implementation, and testing. This thesis describes the development of a prototype expert system in the area of genetic engineering. The prototype system suggests the fragments of DNA to chemically synthesize and the steps for joining these fragments in order to make a gene. The system follows the hueristic rules of an expert to select the fragments and strategy for synthesis, backtracking where necessary. After reviewing expert systems and the problem area, the thesis focuses on the development process. Each of the steps is discussed, and the iterative nature of implementation, testing, and refinement is displayed. Results are reviewed, showing Geneplanner to handle simple to moder ate cases fairly well. Finally, shortcomings are discussed and future enhancements are suggested

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