Character design and marketing – Designer toys


Designing a series of my characters and one story for those characters is the first step in this project. Those characters will be presented on my design products from 2D to 3D and from t-shirt to cell phone downloads. There are four categories for my design works. The first part is 2D print media. I will put those characters on posters, stickers and post cards. Also, the customers can have my character designs on their t-shirts. The second is that I will have real toy models for my characters. The customers can have my real design works, and they can touch them and play with them personally. The third section is for cell phone downloads. There will be a set of downloads for cell phones, such as wallpapers, screensavers and games. The last category is to create icons, games, wallpapers and animations for computer users. Making a dynamic website is my final stage. The customers can access my website. The website using dynamic PHP MySQL database has shopping cart functions. the customers can register for an account, and then they can login to use some functions just for registered members, like a live chat room where customers can have simultaneous answers from a store owner

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