QS-1000 vs. comment cards: A Study of measurement effectiveness


This study is a comparison of typical customer comment cards in comparison to the QS-1000 survey computer. Each of these instruments can be used to gather data from customers regarding their opinions on service. As compettion throughout the service industry increases, the need for businesses to obtain data from their customers is more significant. Service organizations must also find ways to gather this data at a relatively low cost to themselves. Each of the above survey tools will enable an organization to collect data from customers. The study details collection from two samples and concludes on which is more effective in the areas of readability of data, ease of use, and accuracy. The study went about collecting data by surveying two samples and cross referencing the data obtained. This enabled the survey manager an opportunity to discuss with customers their opinions of each method. It also allowed for some conclusions to be made as stated above. The QS-1000 was seen as the more effective method due to the ease of analysis as well as the ease of use to both the organization and its customers

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