A guide to computer-based training for the graphic arts industry


Industry in the United States is facing one of the greatest hurdles of all time, that of retraining its work force. The printing industry, in particular, faces a continuing lack of experienced and knowledgeable people. It has begun cooperative efforts to retrain workers in the basic skills needed to run a printing operation. Subjects like basic math, accounting, writing, and sciences round out the curriculum. Also on the scene are entrepreneurial training firms. Off-site training typically goes for 250βˆ’350perpersonperday;theonβˆ’siteinstructiongoesfor250-350 per person per day; the on-site instruction goes for 400 and up. And then there are options like computer-based tutorials. A firm in San Francisco ships an animated lesson on chokes and spreads to desktop publishers for $20. The demand for this packaging of instructional material has been high. But is it effective

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