Assessment of Daylight in Relation to the Agitation Levels of People with Dementia


This research aims to develop the design guidelines for designing daylight levels that may positively impact on reducing agitation behaviour in people with dementia based on principles of behavioural and psychological symptoms. The research methodology was based on the literature review, fieldwork and building performance simulation (BPS). Quantitative and qualitative approach was conducted by assessing indoor daylight quality and agitation levels. In addition, evaluation of daylight parameters (i.e. daylight factor and relation to the agitation level) was also carried out during the observation. The results suggest that agitation level is indeed higher in the top floor of the nursing house, mostly in the most occupied areas such as: communal area and dining room. According to the carers, the main reason to such phenomenon might be due to the sundown syndrome that usually happens after tea time. Moreover, the daylight strategies were carried out to increase the effectiveness of daylight illuminance levels for indoor environment

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