Software Development in the Post-PC Era: Towards Software Development as a Service


Abstract. Software systems affect all aspects of our modern life andare revolutionizing the way we live. Over the years, software developmenthas evolved to meet the needs of new types of applications and toembrace new technological disruptions. Today, we witness the rise of mobilitywhere the role of the conventional high-specification PC is declining.Some refer to this era as the Post-PC era. This technological shift,powered by a key enabling technology - cloud computing, has opened new opportunities for human advancement (e.g. the Internet of Things).Consequently, the evolving landscape of software systems drives the need for new methods for conceiving them. Such methods need to a) address the challenges and requirements of this era and b) embrace the benefitsof new technological breakthroughs. In this paper, we list the characteristics of the Post-PC era from the software development perspective. In addition, we describe three motivating trends of software development processes. Then, we derive a list of requirements for the future software development approach from the characteristics of the Post-PC era and from the motivating trends. Finally, we propose a reference architecturefor cloud-based software process enactment as an enabler for Software Development as a Service (SDaaS). The architecture is thefirst step to address the needs that we have identified

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