Från bokomslag till digital bokbild: Materialitet, funktion och teknik på tröskeln till den digitala boken


The focus of this study is the digital representation of the book cover. It discusses the impact of technology on materiality and function of digital book covers based on theoretical perspectives from the materiality of the book, paratexts and media history. The digital book is here defined as a work of literature published in digital form and designated book, with a distinction between e-books requiring reading software and app-books as independent software. A digital book cover is defined as a title specific image designated book cover and/or representing a digital book. Types of digital book covers identified are book covers not adapted for digital presentation; with adaption; and for app-books. These are analyzed in case studies of printed and digital editions of three books. The dematerialization of the book cover is found to confer major losses of materiality, and an increased focus on visual aspects of the front cover. There are losses in paratextual elements of interpretive and commercial function, and a gain in navigational elements due to software menus. Digital book covers could be improved by designing for a complete digital identity, taking into account the possibilities and limitations of the technology surrounding the digital book

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