Evaluation of the adoption of information and communication technology in secondary school management.


Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.In this Information and Communication Technology (ICT) era, any business transactions can now be effectively and efficiently carried out to realise organisational goals, with education administration in secondary schools not spared. Specifically, this research was driven by the realisation that despite support by the Department of Education through the purchase of ICT infrastructure, these resources remain underutilised and therefore, become obsolete. While there is considerable literature on the use of ICTs in supporting learning and teaching, not much has been covered on the use of ICTs in managing secondary schools. The cited theories revealed that ICT usage in the management of secondary schools were likely to improve the quality of education. This study therefore aimed at evaluating the use of ICT in the management of secondary schools in Mashishila Circuit. The quantitative research method was used to analyse data. In order to achieve this objective, the researcher employed purposive sampling, where 77 respondents from senior management teams (SMT) were drawn from Mashishila circuit, which had a total population size of 152 staff members. The sample comprised 28.6% males and 71.4% females, with the majority of the respondents (40.3%) being in the 50 to 59 age group. The researcher collected data using a questionnaire that was tested to generate relevant data. The results of the study revealed that there was sufficient evidence to suggest that ICT for management was being used in some secondary schools of the Mashishila Circuit, although insignificantly. The results also showed that the majority of the senior managers lacked ICT management professional qualifications, with some of them having received little training in the area. However, over the years, they have developed hands-on skills, with regards to carrying out different managerial activities through self-discovery. This was attributed to some informal training which they received from the Department of Education. It was also revealed that several reasons negatively impacted on the senior managers’ willingness to use ICT for management in schools. These were seen to be dealt with by the various authorities, including the Department of Education and education officers. Further findings showed that ICT for management tended to improve managerial duties of leaders in these schools. Additionally, school leaders were able to monitor financial records and stores quite effectively using ICTs. Based on these findings, the study therefore recommended that leaders of schools needed to structure their activities through cooperation and the adoption of ICTs. This was to be supported by control objectives of information related technologies. The study further recommended some future enquiry that deals with an integrated system incorporating school management with education district and regional offices, through comprehensive training and empowerment, specifically focusing on the use of ICTs in the management of secondary schools

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