Antioxidant activity of pineal methoxyindoles on hepatocyte plasmatic membrane


Antioxidant effect of several pineal derived molecules has been well documented. Here, the protective effects of 5-methoxytryptophol (5-MTOH) and 5-methoxyindol-3-acetic acid (5-MIAA) on hepatic cell membrane lipid peroxidation and cell membrane rigidity induced by FeCl3 plus ascorbic acid have been systemically investigated. The membrane fluidity was evaluated by fluorescence spectroscopy, malondialdehyde (MDA) and 4-hydroxyalkenals (4-HDA) concentrations and carbonyl groups of protein were measured as the parameters of lipid and protein damage, respectively. Results showed that oxidative stress increased membrane rigidity, MDA and 4-HDA concentra-tions as well as carbonyl content in a concentration-dependent manner. 5-MTOH, but not 5-MIAA, significantly attenuated these oxidative indecies. In absence of oxidative stress, none of these methoxyindoleamines modified the content of MDA, 4-HDA or carbonyl-ation. However 5-MIAA at its highest concentration slightly modified membrane fluidity. The results suggest that structural modification of C3 in the methoxyindoleamine, that is, the carboxyl group replaced by hydroxyl group in this site could improve the ability of 5-methoxyindoleamine derivatives to preserve membrane fluidity of cells which are under oxidative stress

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