Den dolda vägen till förhandlingsbordet. En studie av indirekta bakvägssamtal mellan Israel och Hamas


Kidnapping is a frequent method for terrorists to force states to make concessions, which many times cause huge suffering and even death of the hostages. This study aims to analyse why indirect backchannel talks can facilitate negotiations with terrorists in order to save lives. The research regarding negotiations with political kidnappers is limited, which is why this study will be theory building. This study analyses the indirect backchannel talks that was stabilized between Gershon Baskin and Dr. Ghazi Hamad and how these talks facilitated the reaching of an agreement between Israel and Hamas in 2011, when Israel exchanged 1027 Palestinian prisoners to one single Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit. By using process tracing as a method, formative moments within the case is isolated and analysed using theories of indirect backchannel talks, phases of the negotiation process, and paradoxes and dilemmas when negotiating with terrorists. The result of the study is that indirect backchannel talks in this case partly facilitate the negotiations with Hamas. Mainly because of the long lasting conversations between Gershon Baskin and Dr. Ghazi Hamas, their contacts with key persons on both sides, and their ability to understand each side and willingness to compromise

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