Inclusion of Waste Collectors in Brazil: A posteriori study of cooperative interventions


In developing countries the informal waste collectors provide important social, environmental, and economic services to society, but are often not recognized nor compensated for the work. This research paper addresses the importance of the integration of informal waste collectors in waste management systems. This phenomenon is especially relevant in Brazil with a comprehensive urban solid waste law enacted in 2010 that promotes the integration of informal waste collectors, selective collection, and reverse logistics, among others. With a decentralized management, municipalities are the responsible executors of waste management. In the implementation of the legal framework, there are practical obstacles that still need to be overcome, such as engagement from all stakeholders and adequate compensation for services by sectorial and industrial sectors, corruption and lack of institutional capacity. This paper, a posteriori evaluation, discusses the integration of the informal sector of waste collectors in Brazil as a mean to improve waste management and poverty reduction resulting in greater social, environmental and economic benefits to society, the key cornerstones to sustainable development. By applying an analytical framework and the rapid assessment tool InteRa to a number of cooperatives in the South Eastern region of Brazil, and interviewing key stakeholders, the current situation in Brazil is brought to light

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