Star Wars Episod II: Om den säkerhetspolitiska utvecklingen i rymden efter kalla kriget


In this thesis I try to find out how multipolarity in space effects global security. My research question is as follows: What effects has the increasing amount of actors in space had on global security after the end of the cold war? Theories which I use to examine the effects are Kenneth Waltz perspective on the balance of power and Robert Jervis hypothesis on misperception. My hypothesis is that the multipolarity leads to militarization which despite the literature on the area does not have to lead to a decrease in global security. In my thesis I conclude that the multipolarity has led to increased problems with the institutionalization of space, that the multipolarity enhances the militarization of space and that it has limited effects on reducing misperceptions even though the technological development in space has increased the possibility for information retrieval. Due to this inference I conclude that the increased amount of actors in space has reduced global security since the end of the cold war

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