Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Norrköpings Konstmuseum


This report is a fire risk assessment of Norrköpings Art Museum and is written as a part of the Fire Protection Engineering program at Lund University. The three scenarios that are evaluated in the report come from a coarse qualitative analysis conducted after a visit at the object. Programs like CFAST, FDS and SIMULEX has been used to implement this analysis. The results obtained from these programs are used to determine the time to critical conditions in the event of a fire and the time it takes to evacuate people from the building. By comparing these times there is either a positive safety margin that indicates that a safe evacuation can be conducted or there is a negative margin that indicates that people were still in the building when critical conditions occurred. The results in two of the three scenarios yielded negative margins and to compensate for this there is possible solutions listed in the report. The conclusion of the report describes that measures should be taken in all scenarios and that in two of the scenarios actions shall be taken to secure that a safe evacuation can take place

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