Rendering Light and Shadows for Transparent Objects


This masters thesis presents a new approach to enable complex illuminationand shadowing for transparent objects such as glass or smoke. This is achievedby combining two algorithms which are intended to run in a real-time environment commonly found in modern computer games. The first algorithm is called "Light Linked List", it solves the problem of illuminating transparent objects and was recently presented at the SIGGRAPH2014 conference. The second algorithm is used for shadow calculations and is a new take on the "Deep Shadow Maps" technique. Both algorithms use linked lists to a high degree. The lists are constructed on the GPU by taking advantage of recent hardware improvements and updates to the OpenGL API. By using these two algorithms together, we enable illumination and shadow casting of transparent object with a performance that allows for real-time frame rates.A big challenge in computer graphics is calculating light and shadows. Common methods today do not produce these correctly for transparent objects. The objective of this master thesis is to solve that

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