The sun rises in the East - A comparative case study of India, Pakistan and China’s increased nuclear stockpiles in the Second Nuclear Age


The world has entered the Second Nuclear Age. New structures and dynamics are argued to be present within the context of nuclear weapons. The states India, Pakistan and China are three cases where the nuclear stockpiles are increasing and becoming more technological advanced. The hypothesis of this paper is that the increase of nuclear stockpiles in the cases is due to a dynamic characteristic of an arms race, the logic of deterrence and the action reaction model. This paper conducts a comparative case study through structured and focused comparison. The study uses Barry Buzan’s theoretical framework of the action-reaction model in order to examine the states action in regard to the dynamics of an arms race. Indicators, stemming from the action-reaction model, is used to examine the three cases, beginning with the Indian nuclear testing in 1998 and ending in 2014. The results indicate that that India and Pakistan’s actions adhere to the logic and dynamic of a nuclear arms race, while the case of China could not be significantly determined to be part of the arms race

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