Improving small-scale agriculture and countering deforestation: the case of biochar and biochar producing stoves in Embu County, Kenya


This research examines the introduction and diffusion of biochar as a soil amendment and biochar producing stoves in Embu County, Kenya, together with its related socio-economic potentials and challenges. The area has seen rapid rates of deforestation together with declining soil fertility during the last couple of decades. Biochar as a soil amendment and biochar producing stoves offers a viable solution to these problems, at the same time as it may improve the productivity in the small-scale agriculture, the main income-generating activity in the area. In order to do so, it is of utmost importance that these innovations are well adapted to local socio-economic, geographical and cultural pre-conditions. Through a case study in Embu County, I have investigated the perceptions and pre-conditions of small-scale farmers in relation to local socio-economic geographical or cultural challenges and the related potential solutions. The findings suggest that these new innovations have a high potential in the area and that they could play a vital part of a sustainable agricultural intensification process

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