Innovation in China: A qualitative research


This study aims to examine the topic of innovation in China. The need for innovative development is of importance for the nation to keep the rapid development. A few evaluations of both Chinas indigenous innovation policy and the opportunities for the citizens to develop innovation has criticized the lack of creativity in human resources and the examination based education system to be harmful for the development of innovation. To question these critiques interviews were conducted with seven people, who are engaged working with innovation in China. The personal opinions based in experience in the field of innovation and their involvement in China as R&D consultant, professor of strategy and Innovation, director of research center, program director of R&D executive program, General Manager, program development manager and Engineering Manager. The results were compared and analyzed into themes. The findings indicated that there is a complex relationship of factors that promotes or hinders innovation in different organizations. The results were than analyzed through the sociological theory of agency and structure by Anthony Giddens. Social structures has impact of on creativity and innovation and how the network of people available influence the outcome of innovations to be available for implementation. The most important finding is the importance of creating incentives for the individual in different areas of society and different types of innovation is not necessarily hindered by the examination based education system or lack or creativity n human resources. Innovation can be nurtured by the right organizations

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