Best customer experience Entering the age of the customer


Background The business environment is constantly changing, and the way companies do business is continuously changing, which is highly apparent in the automotive industry. Adaption is a fact for firms who want to stay in the game, but what will give a company a competitive advantage in this mess of constant changes? The above-mentioned are pointing towards a new era; the age of the customer. In this age, it must be realized that customers do not want products, they want value that can be given through additional services. Purpose Provide an answer to how a company in the automotive industry, working with financial services in Sweden, can accomplish the best customer experience. Methodology The results are based on a qualitative case study where a literature review laid the foundation. The empirical data was gained though interviews with staff at The Company in Sweden, UK and The Company’s headquarter. Potential new customers and current customers were interviewed for gaining knowledge about expectations and experiences. Theory was used for structuring the empirical data and for finding the most important enablers for achieving the best customer experience. Conclusions The study provides a result of several enablers (interface mix, integrated service system, process awareness, integration of systems, central customer data system, unique customer ID, routines for information capture and use, service level agreement, service quality focus, relations to partners) that will improve the customer experience. The enablers are concrete actions a firm can choose to implement and in summary they will result in a customized journey, effective sales process, effective and consistent customer service and a good service in each customer encounter. The results can further be consolidated to three main areas that affect the customer experience: Simplicity, Customization and Encounter experience

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