Standardization of packages at Duni AB - A process to maintain a limitation of packages and increase the filling rate.


Duni AB is a leading provider of premium solutions and products, e.g. napkins, plates, table covers, candles and food solutions. The company has recently made major organizational changes, i.e. going from a decentralized organization to a centralized organization with all product development in Malmö. There is a lot of work to be done to optimize both product and packaging development in order to reduce logistics costs and enhance production efficiency. The filling rate among the napkin packages is at present low and the fact that the company has no process for introducing new packages for napkins, has caused a large number of different box sizes. The problem of finding appropriate packages for napkins is complex, since many factors affect the packaging size and design. The lack of standardization of the boxes causes consequences during transports, handling, production and purchasing. At present Duni have no process for introducing new boxes. For this reason, the purpose of the Master thesis was to develop a process to maintain a limitation of boxes and develop standardized boxes. During the Master thesis a systems approach has been used and information has been gathered through interviews, database searching, literature studies, simulations in software for pallet utalization and a visit at Duni`s plant in Bramsche, Germany. In the Master thesis a box management tool have been developed. The tool helps to examine if existing boxes can be used for new products and illustrates how adjustment in the number of packages per box affects the choice of an appropriate box. An inventory of Duni's existing packaging solutions (primary and secondary packaging) has been done and simulations have been carried out for each primary package, trying to find the most appropriate packaging solution, concerning filling rate. Duni have got an enhanced awareness of the packaging potential, as a way to increase sales and reduce cost associated with production and handling. The packaging function at Duni is nowadays involved at an early phase of the product development and there is still much work to be done, trying to reduce the amount of boxes and increase the filling rate of the boxes. By using the box management tool it is possible for Duni to take a further step in the process of making suitable packages for napkins

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