Avskaffa allmän värnplikt? -En debattanalys av den statliga utredningen Totalförsvarsplikt och frivillighet


In June 2009 A.D. the Government Offices of Sweden presented an investigation about conscription as the recruitment system to Swedish Armed Forces. Behind the investigation stood a parliamentary committe with the specific mission to investigate how the recruitment should be organised in the future. The committee suggest to abolish conscription and adopt voluntary recruitment. Two members of the committe wrote a reservation which is attached to the investigation. With the investigation by the hand, my purpose of this thesis is to do an analysis of the debate for and against conscription as the way to provide the Armed Forces with personnel. The analysis consists of two parts. For the first I describe the arguments for and against conscription. For the second I test the proof ability of the arguments. In the last part I both test how tenable the arguments are and how relevant the arguments are. The result shows that the argumentation for abolish conscription is weak. The only strong argument, written by the authors to the reservation, is that the argumention for abolish conscription is build upon a number of vague assumptions

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