Discursos em oposição: Imagens e representações do imigrante no Brasil (1850-1945)


The article analyzes the discourse on immigration in Brazil between 1850 and 1945, reflecting on practices and representations. On the one hand the analysis prioritizes the defense of immigration as the country's way to get rid of their slave past, going on the path of progress; secondly, it is highlighted the accusation that immigration was responsible for the expansion of disorder, crime and anarchism. By analyzing the speech placed in dispute, the paper discusses the representations of good and bad immigrant, weaving reflections on policies adopted in the Empire and the Republic.The article analyzes the discourse on immigration in Brazil between 1850 and 1945, reflecting on practices and representations. On the one hand the analysis prioritizes the defense of immigration as the country's way to get rid of their slave past, going on the path of progress; secondly, it is highlighted the accusation that immigration was responsible for the expansion of disorder, crime and anarchism. By analyzing the speech placed in dispute, the paper discusses the representations of good and bad immigrant, weaving reflections on policies adopted in the Empire and the Republic.The article analyzes the discourse on immigration in Brazil between 1850 and 1945, reflecting on practices and representations. On the one hand the analysis prioritizes the defense of immigration as the country's way to get rid of their slave past, going on the path of progress; secondly, it is highlighted the accusation that immigration was responsible for the expansion of disorder, crime and anarchism. By analyzing the speech placed in dispute, the paper discusses the representations of good and bad immigrant, weaving reflections on policies adopted in the Empire and the Republic.O artigo analisa os discursos sobre a imigração no Brasil entre 1850 e 1945, refletindo sobre práticas e representações. Por um lado a análise prioriza a defesa da imigração como forma do país livrar-se de seu passado escravista, passando a trilhar o caminho do progresso; por outro, é destacada a acusação de que a imigração era a responsável pela expansão da desordem, do crime e do anarquismo. Ao analisar os discursos colocados em disputa, o trabalho discute as representações do bom e do mau imigrante, tecendo reflexões sobre políticas adotadas no Império e na República

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