Influence of epoxy resin to physico-mechanical properties of softwood


Ehitusinseneriõppe lõputöö Maaehituse õppekavalKäesolevas magistritöös uuriti epoksiidvaiguga töödeldud okaspuidu füüsikalismehaanilisi omadusi. Laboratoorsetes katsetes hinnati epoksiidvaiguga tugevdatud puidu paindetugevust ja vaiguga kaetud katsekehade ristikiudu survetugevust. Lisaks määrati katsekehade niiskussisaldus pärast leotamise ja kuivamise tsükleid. Katsed teostati vastavalt standarditele ISO 13061-3:2014, EVS-EN 317:2000 ja ISO 3132. Katsekehade puitmaterjaliks valiti kuusk ja mänd, mis on põhilised ehitusmaterjalina kasutatavad puiduliigid. Kolme punkti paindekatsed teostati selliselt, et nõrgestusena lõigatud soon jäi tõmbetsooni. Kuusele soone tegemine vähendas paindetugevust 42%, kuid männi puhul soone tegemine puitu märkimisväärselt ei nõrgestanud. Epoksiidvaiguga täidetud kuuse katsekehade paindetugevused olid samaväärsed tervik katsekehade tulemustega. Männi puhul olid kõikide katsekehade paindetugevused küllaltki sarnased, seega sarnast järeldust teha ei saa. Katsekehade niiskussisalduse mõõtmiseks teostati katsekehadele kuni kaks 24- tunnist leotamise ja kuivatamise tsüklit. Epoksiidvaiguga kaetud katsekahade niiskussisaldus oli kolm kuni viis korda väiksem katmata katsekehade omast. Tulemuste põhjal saab väita, et vaiguga katmine aitab ära hoida puitmaterjali liigniiskumise. Survekatsetel kasutati samu katsekehi, mis olid läbinud ligunemise ja kuivatamise tsüklid, et tõestada, kui palju keskkonnatingimused puidu survetugevust mõjutavad. Ristikiudu survekatsete tulemusena selgus, et 24 tundi leotatud ja vaiguga kaetud katsekehade survetugevus oli vähemalt 89% suurem kui katmata katsekehadel ning 48 tundi leotatud katsekehadel vähemalt 150% suurem.In this thesis the physico-mechanical properties of softwood treated with epoxy resin were studied. In laboratory tests, the flexural strength of the reinforced wood of the epoxy resin and the wood compressive strength perpendicular to grain of the specimens coated with resin were evaluated. In addition, the moisture content of the test pieces after soaking and drying cycles was determined. The tests were carried out in accordance with ISO 13061-3:2014, EVS-EN 317:2000 and ISO 3132. The woody material of the test pieces were spruce and pine, which are the main types of wood used for building material. The three-point bending tests were performed so that the cut weakening groove remained in the strain zone. Making a groove for the spruce weakened the bending strength by 42%, but in the case of pine, the groove did not significantly weaken the wood. The test pieces of spruce filled with epoxy resin and the test pieces without cut groove and epoxy resin matched with the results of the flexural strenght test. In the case of pine, the flexural strengths of all test pieces were quite similar, so a similar conclusion can not be drawn. To measure the moisture content of the test pieces, up to two 24-hour soaking and drying cycles were performed on the test pieces The moisture content of the epoxy-resin-coated test pieces were three to five times smaller than the uncovered test pieces. Based on the results, it is assumed that resin coating helps prevent woody material from moistening. In the compression tests perpendicular to grain, the same test pieces that had passed the soaking and drying cycles were used to prove how much environmental conditions would undermine the compressive strength of the wood. As a result of wood compressive strength perpendicular to grain tests, it was found that the 24-hour soaked and resin-coated test pieces had a compressive strength of at least 89% higher than uncovered test pieces and 48-hour soaked and resin-coated test pieces had a compressive strenght at least 150% higher than uncovered test pieces

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