Non-Invasive measurer for methane and carbone dioxide emissions in bovine cattle through TRIZ


Greenhouse gases (GHG), mainly methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2), can be generated in agricultural activities, not only in waste but also in the process of breathing of livestock. The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) is an innovative Russian methodology that allows finding the solution to a problem raised. This paper presents the use of two TRIZ tools to design a non-invasive prototype that detects CH4 and CO2 emitted by cattle in real time. The tools were the matrix of technical contradictions and the nine-screen analysis with which the parameter to be improved (A) was found and the best possible solution to design a prototype that allows quantifying gases for animal welfare, Final Ideal Result (IFR) a wireless module with a sensor system for each of the gases placed on the bovine head, which convert the detected gas into an electrical signal to be sent wirelessly to a range of 1.5 km in free space at a receiver for its visualization representing the parts per million (ppm) of CH4 and CO2 that the bovine is generating during the measurement

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