Saabunud / Received 08.12.2020 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 30.12.2020 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 31.12.2020 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Terje Elias [email protected] study examined the nitrite and nitrate content in processed meat products in Estonia. The study shows the levels of nitrites and nitrates in meat products and compares the results with data from the previous study periods. All meat products, which needed heat treatment according to the manufacturer's instructions, were heat-treated prior analyses. Among analysed meat products (n=164), the highest nitrite concentration was 93.1 mg kg–1 and it was determined in uncooked meat preparation product. The overall mean nitrite concentration among nitrite contained meat products varied from 9.7–30.3 mg kg–1 depending on the meat product category. The highest mean nitrite concentrations were found in sausages and pates. There were large differences in the nitrite content of the products of different producers, ranging from the detection limit to 93.1 mg kg–1. The largest differences in nitrite contents were observed in the cooked sausages of one manufacturer, in which the nitrite content was from the detection limit up to 61.5 mg kg–1 in the product. The nitrite and nitrate contents of different meat products also varied widely between producers and were different for each product group. By the Regulation (EC 1333/2008) taking into account the maximum levels for nitrites and nitrates allowed to be added to the meat products, there were no exceedances detected. In the comparison of previous and present study periods, it can be summarised that sodium nitrite (NaNO2) levels are lower in cooked sausages, smoked sausages and wieners, and the content of sodium nitrate (NaNO3) in various meat products is considerably decreased