Early Invitation to Food And/Or Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation in Pregnancy Does Not Affect Body Composition in Offspring at 54 Months: Follow-Up of the MINImat Randomized Trial, Bangladesh


Growth patterns in early life are associated with later health.The effect of nutrition duringin uterodevelopmenton later body composition is unclear. We evaluated whether prenatal early invitation to food and/or multiplemicronutrient supplementation (MMS) in pregnancy has an effect on offspring body composition at 54 monthsof age. In Maternal and Infant Nutrition Interventions in Matlab trial (ISRCTN16581394) in Bangladesh, 4436pregnant women were randomised into six equally sized groups: double-masked supplementation with capsulesof either 30 mg Fe and 400mg folic acid, or 60 mg Fe and 400mg folic acid, or MMS (15 micronutrients), wascombined with a randomised early invitation (around 9 weeks) or a usual invitation (around 20 weeks) to startfood supplementation (608 kcal 6 days per week). At 54 months, the body composition of the offspring wasassessed by leg-to-leg bioelectrical impedance analysis. Of the 3267 live singletons with birth anthropometry,2290 children were measured at 54 months,representing 70% of the live births.There was no interaction betweenthe food and micronutrient supplementation on body composition outcomes. There were no significant differ-ences in a range of anthropometric and body composition measurements, including weight, height, mid-upperarm circumference, head circumference, skinfold thickness, and fat mass and fat-free mass between the differentprenatal food and micronutrient groups using an intention-to-treat analysis. This analysis shows that earlyinvitation to food supplementation and MMS provided to rural Bangladeshi women during pregnancy did notaffect offspring body composition at 54 months of age

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